School of Education event management privacy notice
Find out more about how the University handles your data if you book or attend an event hosted by the School of Education.
Leicester champions inaugural city Business Festival
As part of our ongoing ambitions to raise the profile of the University of Leicester, particularly in relation to business and industry, the University is proud to be the Headline Sponsor for the inaugural Leicester Business Festival.
Black History Month
Find out what's happening on campus during Black History Month 2020. Events Find out about the national Black History Month campaign and discover BHM events beyond the University.
What will human rights laws look like after Brexit
An upcoming event will see legal minds from academic institutions and public bodies join together to examine the future of human rights protection in a post-Brexit future.
Leicester economist in discussion with Nobel Prize winner
A Nobel Prize winner and University of Leicester Professor have been featured in a new report on rationality and decision making.
Student wins support to tackle mental health issues from RBS
A Leicester student has succeeded in winning support from a leading UK bank for a social impact venture.
Attenborough Arts Centre scoops another award for gallery extension
The new gallery at our Attenborough Arts Centre, opened in January by Sir David Attenborough, has won the Local Authority Building Control Excellence Award for the Best Inclusive Building.
College of Life Sciences
Comprising four schools, six departments, research centres and institutes; the College of Life Sciences is an innovative hub for teaching and research at the University of Leicester.
Entertaining Mr Sloane
Find out more about the ways in which we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Entertaining Mr Sloane by Joe Orton, for the Joe Orton: 50 Years On project.
Students with mobility difficulties
Learn about the support of offer for students with mobility difficulties.