Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development
Module code: MN7638 Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters and terror threats present significant and growing threats to societies.
Viking Myths and Sagas
Module code: EN2035 The Vikings are familiar to most as seafaring raiders and the scourge of monks.
Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development
Module code: MN7638 Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters and terror threats present significant and growing threats to societies.
New way to determine protection of Men B vaccine against different strains
Researchers at Leicester and the Meningococcal Reference Unit have developed a new approach to assess the effectiveness of the Men B vaccine, Bexsero®, against different strains that cause meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia.
Talking points a range of topics tackled by academics 16 April
Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans from the Centre for Medical Humanities has contributed an article to The Conversation looking into research by NSPCC Childline suggesting that in a poll of nearly 700 12 to 13-year-olds in the UK, one in five had viewed pornographic images...
First delivery to our University of high-tech glass plates to be used to discover the birth of new black holes
Our University is providing a new type of X-ray mirror to the French space agency, CNES, for the Chinese-French satellite ‘SVOM’ which is designed to discover and study Gamma-Ray Bursts from newly formed black holes.
Space explorers to reveal how the Moon can unlock the Solar System’s secrets
Talk at Space Park Leicester on 24 June by Co-founder and Chief Scientist of the first commercial company to soft land a spacecraft on the Moon.
Integrated Histories of the Andaman Islands
ESRC Research Grant (£110,934) October 2009 - March 2013 Professor Clare Anderson This 3-year ESRC funded research project was a UK-India collaboration with the anthropologist Prof. Vishvajit Pandya and the historian of science, Dr Madhumita Mazumdar.
Dr George Pohl
We have learned, with regret, of the passing of Dr Jurgen (George) Pohl MBChB, MRCP, who helped to establish the Leicester Medical School in the 1970s, serving as Senior Lecturer in Medicine until his retirement in 2001.
Leicester research is cover story of science journal
A study led by scientists at our University is featured on the cover of an online science journal.