People, operations and marketing
Module code: CH3801 The module will focus on the structure of an enterprise including how people interact to share knowledge and experience.
Using an RTOS in Reliable Embedded Systems
Module code: EG7550 Emerging embedded systems perform complex application workloads (i.e. billions of object code instructions), which are divided among multiple threads/tasks, aiming to scale effectively up system performance.
Advanced Composite Materials
Module code: EG7126 In this module you will be introduced to a subset of materials called composites, their uses, and the ways they can be analysed and used in engineering applications.
Interpreting Archaeological Evidence: Material Culture and Environment
Module code: AR2554 This module will introduce you to some of the main categories of archaeological evidence recovered from archaeological sites.
Managing Security in the Workplace
Module code: CR1516 In this module you will consider the importance of management to security and the key management skills required.
Announcing 2021 Summer Internships for Leicester Undergraduates
Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 27 April 2021 The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) scheme has been operating for many years, but COVID restrictions led to cancellation in 2020.
Andrew Dunn: Page 91
Academic Librarian.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: Supervision, supervisory meetings, and postgraduate research tutors (9.79-9.108)
Supervision of research students 9.78 A supervisory team must be appointed for every research student. The Head of Department or their nominee shall be responsible for approving the appointment of each supervisory team’s members.
A century of human genetics
Read through a lecture delivered by Sir Alec Jeffreys at the Leicester Medical Society Bicentenary.