
21353 results for: ‘%s’

  • Methods and Modelling in Palaeoclimatology

    Module code: GL7111 The Earth has been on a four billion years journey of climate change, which you'll explore during this module.

  • Argentina: From Perón to Kirchner

    Module code: SP2025 This module aims to provide you with a broad understanding of the historical and cultural development of contemporary Argentina from Juan Domingo Perón’s first government to the Kirchner administrations.

  • Apprenticeships

    We offer businesses the opportunity to upskill their workforce, providing their employees the opportunity to learn whilst earning. The Apprenticeship Degree programme can enhance the employee’s skills through the delivery of prominent education, expertise and knowledge.

  • David Hopkins

    Learning Technology Assistant, College of Social Science, University of Leicester.

  • ELP Assessment

    The ELP Assessment Grid will help you access what Level language course you need to take.

  • Professorial inaugural lectures at the University of Leicester announced from November 2018

    People in a lecture 2296|Pioneering research from the University of Leicester’s new Professors will be shared with the public at the upcoming Professorial Inaugural Lecture series.

  • 21st December 2016 Sol 1556

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on December 21, 2016 I am Geo-Min Science theme lead for todays plan.  As usual after 4 years of operations we are doing 3 sols of planning at one go.

  • Monitoring wound infections

    Explanation of how hospitals monitor patients after surgery to find out how many go on to develop a wound infection.

  • Celebrating Chinese New Year at the University of Leicester

    Lunar New Year Message 2022 Professor Nishan Canagarajah President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Leicester sends his best wishes to everyone in the University of Leicester, China and around the world celebrating Lunar New Year.

  • Andrew Dunn: Page 16

    Academic Librarian.

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