
8662 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’


    SCALE-ENDO is the study of communication and adaptive capacity using in-situ learning environments based on real life risks in endoscopy.

  • Self-management: Diabetes and Long-term Conditions

    Module code: MD7524 Supporting someone with diabetes to become a successful self-manager is critical to good outcomes, whether clinical, psychological or emotional.

  • Self-management: Diabetes and Long-term Conditions

    Module code: MD7524 Supporting someone with diabetes to become a successful self-manager is critical to good outcomes, whether clinical, psychological or emotional.

  • Books connect 2

    Led by public libraries, Books Connect 2 demonstrates how books and reading can inspire innovative ways for libraries, museums and archives to work in partnership with the arts to develop new audiences and new venues for reading inspired creativity.

  • Expert opinions cover museums MEPs Donald Trump and learning gain

    Robin Clarke from the School of Museum Studies has written a staff blog discussing how museums can challenge pervasive media and stand up for the marginalised and less fortunate.

  • £2m study - ethnicity and COVID-19 in healthcare workers

    UK-REACH will investigate data held by national healthcare organisations to understand what the risk of having, and dying from, COVID-19 is for ethnic minority healthcare works.

  • First global patient for kidney study recruited in Leicester

    A patient from Birmingham is the first person to be recruited into a new worldwide study to test new treatments for a potentially life-threatening kidney condition called IgA nephropathy.

  • The Chilling: Global trends in online violence against women journalists

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on May 17, 2021 Based on a global survey of 901 journalists from 125 countries, this new UNESCO study found 73% identifying as women said they had experienced online violence.

  • Scientist discusses global environmental issues at Sultans banquet

    Professor Jan Zalasiewicz (pictured) from our School of Geography, Geology and the Environment recently spoke at a banquet in Frankfurt held by the sovereign ruler of the Emirate of Sharjah, Dr Shaikh Sultan Bin Mohammad Al Qasimi.

  • New resources developed to improve educational support for children born preterm

    New e-learning resource informs teachers how to support the learning and development of their pupils who were born preterm.

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