
9705 results for: ‘map’

  • Disagreeing on what is fair in the workplace, and what we can do about

    Posted by hconnolly in School of Business Blog on September 27, 2018   In this blog, Dr Rasim Kurdoglu, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 17th September 2018, discusses his research on establishing the truthfulness of ‘managerial legitimacy’ arguments, and...

  • Don’t panic, Mary Berry’s Bakewell tart recipe is safe!

    Posted by Simon Dixon in Library Special Collections on May 19, 2016 University of Leicester Homepage, 13 June 1997 (source: Wayback Machine) It is almost impossible to conduct academic research today without at some stage needing to access information on the internet.

  • Disgusting Dinner Conversation. By Emma Battell Lowman

    Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in The Power of the Criminal Corpse on October 1, 2015 In the two months since joining the Harnessing the Power of the Criminal Corpse project at the University of Leicester, I like to think I’ve become a highly desirable dinner guest.

  • Observing Jupiter’s auroras with Hubble

    Posted by Jonathan Nichols in Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission on June 30, 2016   Unfortunately, they don’t let you take observing trips to the Hubble Space Telescope; perhaps the only downside to using the veteran observatory.

  • Understanding and enacting learning outcomes: the academic’s perspective – University of Leicester

    The 'Learning Outcomes Project' at the University of Leicester. Understanding and enacting learning outcomes: the academic's perspective.

  • Sounds Familiar – a busy winter

    What the Unlocking Our Sound Heritage project has been doing during the winter of 2021

  • Physics & Astronomy: Page 6

    Fellowships in Physics and Astronomy at Leicester 2022 Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on May 20, 2022 The School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leicester welcomes applicants for independent research fellowships to be hosted...

  • Performing performativity

    Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on September 29, 2017   Ekaterina Svetlova, associate professor of accounting and finance at ULSB (

  • A change of plan for Juno’s orbit

    Posted by Rosie Johnson in Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission on November 14, 2016 This artist’s rendering shows NASA’s Juno spacecraft making one of its close passes over Jupiter.

  • Bullying and Discrimination accounts for 37% additional NHS mental health worker sick-leave

    Posted by Stephen Wood in School of Business Blog on November 25, 2015 Professor of Management at the School, Stephen Wood , presents some of the findings – and methodology – from the National Survey of Staff Morale amongst Mental Health Staff 2013’s Francis report on the...

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