
9705 results for: ‘map’

  • The Latin World: Ancient, Medieval and Modern

    Module code: ML2020 This interdisciplinary module investigates the changing role of Latin in the classical and post-classical world.

  • Agile Cloud Automation

    Module code: CO7217 Cloud-based software system development involves a wide range of languages and notations, from high-level business modelling languages to low-level scripting languages, with many different abstraction facilities.

  • Agile Cloud Automation

    Module code: CO7517 Cloud-based software system development involves a wide range of languages and notations, from high-level business modelling languages to low-level scripting languages, with many different abstraction facilities.

  • Bioinorganic Chemistry

    Module code: CH4208 The field of bioorganic chemistry is the fusion of biochemistry and inorganic chemistry. It has a large number of real-world applications in areas such as medical science and environmental chemistry.

  • Victorians: from Oliver Twist to The Picture of Dorian Gray

    Module code: EN3328 (double module) If you enjoy a great, immersive read, fascinating characters and stories, and thinking about the connections between literature and society, this module is for you.

  • Victorians: from Oliver Twist to The Picture of Dorian Gray A

    Module code: EN3028 If you enjoy a great, immersive read, fascinating characters and stories, and thinking about the connections between literature and society, this module is for you.

  • Link between hibernation in animals and Alzheimers prevention identified

    Research by scientists at the Medical Research Council’s Toxicology Unit, based at the University, has identified a protective mechanism that kicks in when body temperature is lowered, activating a process that prevents the loss of brain cells and the connections between them.

  • Fieldwork

    As an undergraduate, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience through fieldwork, in our labs, and on international study tours.

  • About the Partnership 合作关系

    This distinctive JEP between CQMU and UoL will be the only approved Sino-foreign cooperative education project in clinical medicine in western China.

  • Term and semester dates

    Key information on the University’s academic term and semester dates for the forthcoming years.

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