
9364 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Economic History

    Module code: EC2034 Module co-ordinator: Dr Martin Hoskins Description It is impossible to fully understand current economic events and policies without understanding their history.

  • Economic History

    Module code: EC2034 Module co-ordinator: Dr Martin Hoskins Description It is impossible to fully understand current economic events and policies without understanding their history.

  • Economic History

    Module code: EC2034 Module co-ordinator: Dr Martin Hoskins Description It is impossible to fully understand current economic events and policies without understanding their history.

  • Doctoral Training Programme

    The training programme will supplement other activities offered by the Doctoral College and schools and departments.

  • Payment methods

    Before making payment  Students are often targeted by fraudsters. The University has a zero-tolerance policy to fraud. If any payment made for a student is found to be fraudulent the student will face disciplinary action, including expulsion.

  • A practitioner’s musings on theory and Quality Improvement – University of Leicester

    As a PhD student and practising physiotherapist, Emma Jones is perfectly placed to consider the ways in which academic theory, often considered remote and confusing, can be used in day-to-day clinical practice.

  • Weber, Tolstoj and the Usefulness of Universities

    Posted by Doris Ruth Eikhof in School of Business Blog on September 4, 2014 Doris Ruth Eikhof, Senior Lecturer in Work and Employment at the School, shares some earlier* thoughts on the Research Excellence Framework (REF) In the past two years UK universities have...

  • Disability History Month 2023

    Posted by Eleanor Bloomfield in Library and Learning Services on November 16, 2023 To mark UK Disability History Month , which falls between 16 th November and 16 th December, Archives and Special Collections are showcasing items from our holdings which shed light on these...

  • Work Design, Organisational Change and Development

    Module code: PS7588 In this module you will learn how an understanding of human physical and psychological capabilities should be used in the design of jobs and work environments.

  • Work Design, Organisational Change and Development

    Module code: PS7588 In this module you will learn how an understanding of human physical and psychological capabilities should be used in the design of jobs and work environments.

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