‘Long Walk to Freedom’: Leadership lessons from Madiba
Posted by Nate in Medical Leadership in the Foundations on March 26, 2019 By Dunni Adeleye “I wanted first of all to tell the people that I was not a messiah, but an ordinary man who had become a leader because of extraordinary circumstances” This is how...
Easter for social scientists
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on April 17, 2019 Just for fun here are some interesting research related facts on Easter chocolate! This infographic from Statista has some basic facts on who celebrates Easter and what they do.
Publications and scholarly outputs of the Carceral Archipelago project Clare Anderson OPEN ACCESS! Clare Anderson, "Empire and Exile: reflections on the Ibis trilogy," American Historical Review 121, 5 (2016).
Bilingual Writing and Self-Translation: Literature in a Cross-Cultural Perspective
Module code: FR3051 Our world today is increasingly multilingual and this module looks at the ways in which literary writers incorporate different languages in their work.
Thermal and Statistical Physics
Module code: PA2720 Tools from statistical physics can be used to explain many fundamental properties of physical systems, from the collective behaviour of atoms in liquids and gases, to magnetism, superconductivity, and turbulence.
Politics and Power in Africa
Module code: PL2023 Sub-Saharan African politics has seen much turbulence since the decline of colonialism's hold on the continent in the middle of the 20th century. This module will introduce you to the major political issues and controversies faced by sub-Saharan Africa.
The Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film
Module code: SP2023 This module sets the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and its aftermath in its historical, literary and cultural contexts.
Regulation of Business
Module code: EC7101 In this module you will study competition policy, the regulations which aim to bring about an increase in welfare by trying to ensure that competition in the marketplace is not restricted in ways that are harmful.
The Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film
Module code: SP2023 This module sets the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and its aftermath in its historical, literary and cultural contexts.
Whether you are looking to take the first steps into teaching, or seeking to develop and improve your practice, find out about the range of education courses available at the University of Leicester.