The latest adventures of MS 210
Posted by Simon Dixon in Library Special Collections on May 22, 2019 In a follow-up to his previous blog post, The Beast in Me , Museum Studies PhD student Armand De Filippo reports on the most recent adventures of our “Ethiopic Manuscript”, MS 210.
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Sue Townsend (1946-2014)
Posted by Simon Dixon in Library Special Collections on April 16, 2014 It was with great sadness that we learned last week of the death of one of our depositors, Sue Townsend, the creator of the Adrian Mole diaries and one of the most popular British novelists of the late...
X-ray fluorescence
By recording the X-ray spectrum you can work out the elements that make up Mercury’s surface.
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We have a distinguished record of innovation and excellence in interdisciplinary research and teaching at postgraduate level. Find out more about us and read our mission statement.
Convicts and the Sea
Blog about the influence of naval practice on the punishment of convicts on the royal dockyard in Gibraltar in the nineteenth century.
ALT-C 2017 thoughts: What is the value of anonymity in learning? Should we be using learning analyti
Posted by apatel in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on September 8, 2017 ALT Conference – Siân Bayne – Wednesday 6th September 2017 pictures@chrisbullphotographer.
Spirit of the 1960s and 70s kept alive in new book about Neil Young
A new book on the musical travels of Neil Young, one of the most significant recording and performing artists of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, argues that the singer-songwriter is one of only a few music industry figures to still engage in social activism.
Sea levels influence eruptions on Santorini
The rise and fall of sea levels influence the likelihood of volcanic eruptions on the Greek island of Santorini, new research published in Nature has discovered.
Martian atmosphere behaves as one
New research using a decade of data from ESA’s Mars Express has found clear signs of the complex martian atmosphere acting as a single, interconnected system, with processes occurring at low and mid levels significantly affecting those seen higher up.