Diet and pregnancy case study
Epigenetics, diet and pregnancy is a complex topic, but we've got the relevant resources to aid your learning.
Study aims to tackle overprescribing across England
A £2.4 million study led by the University of Leicester is underway to reduce the amount of unnecessary or inappropriate medications prescribed to older patients
Physics students win Stewardson essay prizes for creative papers
This year the Department of Physics and Astronomy has awarded two prizes – the Stewardson essay prizes – to students for their Physics Special Topics papers.
Materials Innovation Centre (MatIC)
Materials Innovation Centre (MatIC) is a long-term strategic partnership between TWI and the University of Leicester, one of the world’s top universities. MatIC focuses on materials characterization, materials modelling and novel materials development.
Graduate Toolkit
The University of Leicester offers graduates a comprehensive award-winning careers and employability service.
Goldilocks on Trial
Posted by Dawn Watkins in Legal Literacy on March 14, 2014 This was the last visit of our students’ five visits to St Peter’s School, focusing this time on aspects of the criminal law trial process.
Roger Irwin
DPhil student in English - Linacre College, Oxford University
Terms and conditions of annual and termly membership
Read the terms and conditions of annual membership.
JWST at the National Space Centre
pace scientists from the University of Leicester demonstrated the cutting-edge science behind the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) at the National Space Centre this October half term.
Health Matters
We're proud to be funded by the Edith Murphy Foundation to deliver the George Davies Centre Community Engagement Project, Health Matters. Find out more about Health Matters.