
9376 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • April 2024

    Meetings Other  1   Easter Monday  2   University closed  3 ...

  • Nairobi Alliance

    Our projects We’re proud that as part of the Nairobi Alliance we have already been able to make an impact through our research.

  • Dr Primrose Freestone

    Find out more about Dr Primrose Freestone, alumna of the University of Leicester Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation. She has been at Leicester University since an undergraduate student and is an Associate Professor in Clinical Microbiology and Inventor.

  • Africa Research Group launched

    The Africa Research Group is a new group which will bring together projects and research taking place across the University on Africa, Africans in Diaspora and African Heritage communities.

  • Hollywood actress addresses aortic dissection conference

    On Thursday 19 September, the University of Leicester plays host to the fourth annual Aortic Dissection Awareness Day UK, an invitation-only event for aortic dissection patients, relatives and selected healthcare professionals.

  • Politics and War in Outer Space

    Module code: PL3144 Space is more than just rocket science. It is an under-examined geopolitical environment and frontier of International Relations and it is undergoing vast changes as space is opened up for multipolar power politics and corporate profit-making.

  • Materials Design and Development

    Module code: ED7010 In this module you will study the pedagogical and practical issues related to the development of language teaching materials.

  • Crustal Dynamics

    Module code: GL3118 The continental crust is the archive of Earth’s history and is unique amongst the terrestrial planets. It forms the environment in which we live and hosts many of the resources on which we depend.

  • Politics and War in Outer Space

    Module code: PL3144 Space is more than just rocket science. It is an under-examined geopolitical environment and frontier of International Relations and it is undergoing vast changes as space is opened up for multipolar power politics and corporate profit-making.

  • Crustal Dynamics

    Module code: GL3118 The continental crust is the archive of Earth’s history and is unique amongst the terrestrial planets. It forms the environment in which we live and hosts many of the resources on which we depend.

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