Global Media
Module code: MS1003 This module offers an introduction to theories of globalisation and the role of media and communication technologies in the transformation of the world at both local and global levels.
Global Media
Module code: MS1003 This module offers an introduction to theories of globalisation and the role of media and communication technologies in the transformation of the world at both local and global levels.
Global Media
Module code: MS1003 This module offers an introduction to theories of globalisation and the role of media and communication technologies in the transformation of the world at both local and global levels.
Leicester academic heads judging panel to land robot on the moon
An academic from our University has been elected to Chair a judging panel in a global $30 million prize competition to land a robot on the moon.
What can we do to address the harms of hate
Hate crimes constitute one of the biggest global challenges of our time and blight the lives of millions of people across the world.
Leicester PhD student to discuss science diplomacy at World Science Forum
As part of her RCUK policy fellowship at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), Emmeline Ledgerwood (pictured), a postgraduate research student at the School of History, Politics and International Relations, is representing POST at the World Science...
Academic comments on why we do not challenge queue jumpers
Dr Zsuzsanna Vargha (pictured) from the School of Management has been quoted in the national media on Britain's unique attitude to queuing - including why we do not challenge queue jumpers.
Creative thinkers sought for event to tackle global problems
Bright and innovative thinkers are being invited to our University for the first UK event outside of London known as Solve for X.
Awards for outstanding service to medical students
A consultant and an administrator at Kettering General Hospital have won awards for the outstanding service they have provided to medical students who are training to become the next generation of NHS doctors.
Leicester professor judges space travel competition
Professor Alan Wells, Emeritus Professor and Founding Director of the University’s Space Research Centre is playing a lead role in a global multi-million pound prize competition - Google Lunar XPRIZE - to land a robot on the moon.