Genetic properties help identify illegally traded tropical hardwood
Around 30-90 percent of all tropical hardwood is logged illegally. Checks on the origin of wood, however thorough, are not particularly effective because documentation may be fraudulent.
Scientists invited to take advantage of leading high energy research centres
Our University is facilitating a Europe-wide programme that makes available some of the leading facilities in high energy astrophysics to scientists from around the world.
Silence at the University of Tokyo
Dr Jim King from the School of Education will be giving a talk to the Tokyo Discourse Group at the University of Tokyo’s Hongo Campus from 18.30 to 20.00 on Thursday 21 April.
Module code: MD7460 Your dissertation lets you demonstrate your understanding of quality and safety in healthcare in a research context.
Module code: MD7460 Your dissertation lets you demonstrate your understanding of quality and safety in healthcare in a research context.
Module code: MD7460 Your dissertation lets you demonstrate your understanding of quality and safety in healthcare in a research context.
Leicester expert to attend Nobel Peace Prize Forum as nuclear war threat intensifies
An expert in global nuclear politics from the University of Leicester has raised concerns about the decline of world security amid tensions between the West and Russia – but has some words of optimism for the future.
Zhao Junwei
The University has learned with sadness of the death of one of our postgraduate students, Zhao Junwei.
Human fingerprint on forest disturbance patterns as viewed from space
A team of researchers from the UK and Europe used remote sensing data to describe the landscape structure of forest disturbances and assess how these differ across regions and under human influence
Thesis examination
(2)9.46 A higher doctorate may be awarded on the basis of an examination of the written thesis without a viva voce examination. (2)9.47 The examination shall normally be completed within six months of the examiners receiving the higher doctorate candidate’s thesis.