
9705 results for: ‘map’

  • How Migration Makes Meaning

    Carceral Archipelago University of Leicester staff blogs

  • Neptune is cooler than we thought: Study reveals unexpected changes in atmospheric temperatures

    Yet, at Neptune’s south pole, the data reveal a different and surprisingly dramatic change.

  • Poverty in the UK

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on August 2, 2019 4.5 million people are more than 50% below the poverty line, and 7 million people are living in persistent poverty in the UK.

  • Activities and events

    Find out about past events and future events for the Wordsworth 2020 AHRC funded project for English research at Leicester.

  • R for Data Science

    Module code: GY4472 In this module you will focus on the programming language R as an effective tool for data science.

  • R for Data Science

    Module code: GY4472 In this module you will focus on the programming language R as an effective tool for data science.

  • R for Data Science

    Module code: GY4472 In this module you will focus on the programming language R as an effective tool for data science.


    The GMES project analysed spatial and temporal changes in rainfall and vegetation patterns in sub-Saharan Africa over 9 years.

  • Flood and Flow: Place-Names and the Changing Hydrology of River-Systems

    Flood and Flow is two-year interdisciplinary research project, funded by The Leverhulme Trust.

  • College Court shortlisted for three Leicester Mercury Business Awards

    The University of Leicester's College Court Conference Centre and Hotel has been shortlisted as a finalist in three categories at the Leicester Mercury Business Awards, organised by Champions UK plc.

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