
10587 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Students embark on RAF Stories mission

    History students at the University of Leicester have teamed up with the RAF Museum, Cosford and students at De Montfort University for a community project to capture the memoirs of residents who share connections to the RAF.

  • 25 years ago Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys solved the mystery of what happened to notorious Nazi war criminal

    25 years ago yesterday (18 November, 1990), the Leicester Mercury ran an article about genetic fingerprinting pioneer Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, covering his sensational breakthrough to help identify the Auschwitz 'Angel of Death'.

  • Consuming Authenticities

    Arts and Humanities Research Council (£54,753) November 2014 – November 2015 Cultural products often depend on ideas about authenticity for commercial success, drawing emotional responses from consumers and evoking a sense of local, ethnic or even national identity.

  • Research explores women who produce and consume mm erotica and visual pornography

    The majority of women who like gay male pornography and erotica imagine themselves as men during their sexual fantasies, new research has found.

  • Alternative beer label artwork by Leicester researchers featured in new exhibition

    Artwork by Leicester researchers is to be featured in a new exhibition exploring gender relations in night life drinking spaces.

  • Making Sense of the Past (Critical Thinking in Archaeology)

    Module code: AR1010 This module focuses on how we make sense of archaeological evidence. It looks critically at the processes that we go through to take the evidence we excavate and turn it into the narratives and interpretations we present about the past.

  • Making Sense of the Past (Critical Thinking in Archaeology)

    Module code: AR1010 This module focuses on how we make sense of archaeological evidence. It looks critically at the processes that we go through to take the evidence we excavate and turn it into the narratives and interpretations we present about the past.

  • Making Sense of the Past (Critical Thinking in Archaeology)

    Module code: AR1010 This module focuses on how we make sense of archaeological evidence. It looks critically at the processes that we go through to take the evidence we excavate and turn it into the narratives and interpretations we present about the past.

  • CassiniHuygens will truly be the benchmark against which all future space missions are compared

    After almost twenty years in space, the Cassini spacecraft will tomorrow (15 September) make its final encounter with Saturn, ending humankind’s first detailed exploration of the ringed planet.

  • Our reports

    Browse the eight various reports on the Leicester Hate Crime Project produced by the Centre for Hate Studies. These reports include an executive summary, findings, conclusions and a series of themed briefing papers.

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