
19770 results for: ‘%s’

  • Research presents most detailed ever catalogue of our galactic neighbourhood

    An international team of astronomers, including experts from the University of Leicester, announced the most detailed ever catalogue of stars in a huge swathe of our Milky Way galaxy.

  • #PlanetarySeminar: Heidi Hammel – Exploring the Solar System with JWST: First Results and a Glimpse

    Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 7 November 2022 We will welcome Dr. Heidi Hammel (AURA, Interdisciplinary Scientist for JWST) to speak about exciting solar system science with the new space telescope. Who: Dr. Heidi Hammel, Heidi B.

  • Leicester researcher scoops Lifetime Achievement Award for innovations in health

    Professor Philip Baker, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise at the University of Leicester, addressed innovators, inventors and developers from across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland in celebration of the University’s Centenary.

  • The BAME awarding gap: what we know, what we don’t know, and how we might respond

    Posted by Steve Rooney in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on January 31, 2020   There are so many roots to the tree of anger that sometimes the branches shatter before they bear.

  • Archaeology students from University of Leicester unearth very big Roman house in the country

    Finds from latest excavation in Leicestershire may provide insight into the ‘rural charm’ of Britain to the Romans, while first-year archaeology students developed their excavation skills with Time Team filming for a feature later in the year

  • International scholarships

    Browse scholarships for international students, including our Leicester scholarships as well as scholarships through external providers.

  • £2.5m to help with complex health and social care decision-making across the UK

    Funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) to support collaboration providing research-based evidence to support important decision-making across the four UK nations.

  • Hello Leicester Hollywood star Alec Baldwin pays tribute to Joe Orton for University event

    Hollywood icon and 2017 Emmy Award nominee Alec Baldwin is playing a key role in a Leicester event celebrating the legacy of playwright Joe Orton.

  • Leading Through Excellence: Lessons from Teach First

    Posted by Nate in Medical Leadership in the Foundations on August 9, 2018   As an American twenty-something making a killing working in London, Brett Wigdortz might not be who we would expect to radically reinvigorate state education in England.

  • Research

    Academic staff in Film Studies have research strengths in a number of key areas. We have a proven track record of researching and publishing through the most respected publishers and journals, and actively pursue new ways of conducting and disseminating our research.

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