
12611 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Links to societies

    Browse links to societies related to the work we do in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, and see our local contact for each society.

  • Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies

    Based within Modern Languages at Leicester, the Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies is home to cutting-edge research and study opportunities in translation and interpreting.

  • Alumni

    Information for alumni of History at the University of Leicester. Find out how to be informed of current news and events, and how to get a transcript of your marks or replacement certificate.

  • SafeZone - EDS support services

    Information you need to know The EDS Support Services Department are part of the Estates and Digital Services Division which is part of the University of Leicester. Get more information on the institution. The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for your information.

  • Disability Support

    Building access, building facilities, accessing resources, parking

  • Study

    Our mission in the School of Healthcare is to nurture the development of creative, critical thinking and independent researchers in the field of applied health research. We prioritise investment in our postgraduate research community because they are our future research leaders.

  • Who can attend

    Our team at the AccessAbility Centre help a variety of students.

  • Leicester Oral History Archive collection compilation

    The Leicester Oral History Archive is an extensive collection of over 500 interviews with a wide range of interview topics such as health, childhood, education, housing and many others. This is a smaller compilation of 49 interviews from the project.

  • The happy ending to the story of ambitious project to refurbish iconic Engineering Building

    The Herculean task of replacing the iconic roof of one the world’s most revered pieces of 20th-century architecture has been captured on the page by the lead designer of the project.

  • Cryo-EM facility access

    Find out how toy can get access to state of the art equipment to conduct cryo-electron microscopy either by hire of instrument or a data collection service.

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