
9373 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Power, Privilege and Diversity

    Module code: SY1021 Engagement with sociology is often rooted in concern about inequality and the deprived circumstances in which many people live.  But inequality extends well beyond people’s economic situations.

  • The Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Module code: HS3777 The Franklin Roosevelt era included arguably the most significant years of twentieth century US history, both domestically and internationally.

  • Finance for SMEs

    Module code: MN2141 In 2017, small or medium-sized enterprises - defined as any company with less than 250 employees - accounted for 99.9% of all private sector businesses, 60% of all private sector employment and 51% of all private sector turnover in the UK.

  • Power, Privilege and Diversity

    Module code: SY1021 Engagement with sociology is often rooted in concern about inequality and the deprived circumstances in which many people live.  But inequality extends well beyond people’s economic situations.

  • Lucy Evans

    The academic profile of Dr Lucy Evans, Associate Professor in Postcolonial Literature at University of Leicester

  • Finance for SMEs

    Module code: MN2141 In 2017, small or medium-sized enterprises - defined as any company with less than 250 employees - accounted for 99.9% of all private sector businesses, 60% of all private sector employment and 51% of all private sector turnover in the UK.

  • Power, Privilege and Diversity

    Module code: SY1021 Engagement with sociology is often rooted in concern about inequality and the deprived circumstances in which many people live.  But inequality extends well beyond people’s economic situations.

  • The Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Module code: HS3777 The Franklin Roosevelt era included arguably the most significant years of twentieth century US history, both domestically and internationally.

  • University campus to receive a yarn bomb makeover as part of student campaign

    This week, the campus will be transformed into a woolly winter wonderland as part of a month dedicated to celebrating the opportunities available to its students.

  • Neon sign identified by JWST in protoplanetary disc gives clue to planet formation

    University of Leicester astronomer involved in first images of the dispersing gas that is key to the early formation of planets

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