Spring 2021 newsletter
Happy Easter, Patient and Carer Group! Following on from the winter newsletter, a time to reflect and to support each other as we move into a new phase, and gradually leave lockdown, and celebrate spring.
Major funding for Leicester will help find new cancer treatments
The search for new cancer treatments in Leicester is to receive a major funding investment of up to £2 million, providing future hope for people diagnosed with the disease.
2019 news
Browse news relating to the Division of Biomedical Services from 2019.
Mr Emmanuel Katsogridakis
MD, MSc, PhD, MRCS British Heart Foundation Academic Clinical Lecturer Email
On multi-sited research and mono-sited (nationalist) memory
Posted by Christian De Vito in Carceral Archipelago on May 26, 2015 Addressing convict transportation – the key feature in the Carceral Archipelago project – implies multi-sited research, that is, research in archives located in different places (and countries/continents).
Winners of Festival of Postgraduate Research 2015 announced
The winners of the Festival of Postgraduate Research 2015 have been announced. During the Festival our University gets to showcase the best of its research student talent and this year the standard of entries was very high.
French Language (Beginners)
Module code: FR1040 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive language courses which bring you up to the A2 level of the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) in a year.
French Language (Beginners)
Module code: FR1020+FR1021 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive language courses which bring you up to the A2 level of the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) in a year.
French Language (Beginners)
Module code: FR1040 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive language courses which bring you up to the A2 level of the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) in a year.
French Language (Beginners)
Module code: FR1020+FR1021 Our language modules for Beginners are intensive language courses which bring you up to the A2 level of the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) in a year.