The Globalisation of Sexuality: Culture and Media
Module code: MS7056 This module investigates the theory behind the globalisation of sexuality in terms of LGBTQ activism and the representation of non-heterosexuals across the globe.
Modern Languages with Film Studies BA
Build a firm grounding in film studies, whilst studying one or two modern languages (French, Italian and Spanish) at the University of Leicester.
A student view of your Blackboard course
Posted by Stephen Walker in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on June 22, 2016 Blackboard has a useful function – Edit Mode – which allows you to get an idea of what your Blackboard course looks like to students.
Leicester’s sustainability praised in new guide
The University of Leicester's Living Labs approach has been showcased as an example of good practice in a guide from the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) and the National Union of Students.
More doctors to be trained in Leicester than ever before
More much-needed doctors are to be trained at the University of Leicester following the Government’s announcement of the biggest ever expansion of undergraduate medical training.
Working in partnership with the Primary PGCE
Find out how your primary school can work in partnership with the School of Education at the University of Leicester - including hosting PGCE Focus Days placements, recruitment and joining our Partnership Management Group.
Diane Levine
Diane is at the heart of interdisciplinary research at Leicester.
International Debt Statistics
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on March 7, 2014 International Debt Statistics 2014 Just launched by the World Bank, this new publication replaces the previous Global Development Finance, Volume II (1997 to 2009) and the earlier World...
Double distinction for Leicester’s ‘Mr Antarctic Volcano’ in New Year Honours
University of Leicester volcanologist Professor John Smellie receives Polar Medal for the second time, from second monarch.
Help and support
Attending your timetabled events is important, but your wellbeing is important to us too. Further help and support is available from staff in your school and our student support teams.