
13314 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Learn-AT School Direct

    Find out more about Church Langton CE (Aided) Primary School who work in partnership with the University of Leicester to deliver our School Direct Primary PGCE.

  • The Muslim veil: a symbol of terror?

    Read the article "The Muslim veil: a symbol of terror?" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.

  • Psychology students venture overseas for much desired work experience

    Psychology students venture overseas for much desired work experience Psychology students venture overseas for much desired work experience 1462|Leicester students, Kona Rogers and Ryan Selby, gain crucial experience participating in a Mental Health Placement with SLV.

  • The rocking horse: a classic object of childhood?

    Read the article "The rocking horse: a classic object of childhood?" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.

  • Academic staff

    View the academic team working within English at Leicester. Explore staff profiles, research interests and contact details.

  • What is Occupational Psychology

    Occupational Psychology

  • Academic staff

    Browse our academic staff in Media and Communication at Leicester and see their contact details.

  • Genetics expert solves family mysteries for new TV series

    A leading genetics expert from the University of Leicester is part of team seeking to solve ‘DNA Family Secrets’ for a new primetime programme on the BBC.

  • Admin, Conference, and Website, Oh My!

    Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in Carceral Archipelago on April 22, 2015 In the year since I joined The Carceral Archipelago, it has been a pleasure to support the novel and extensive research being conducted by the project’s members.

  • Major step in UK contribution to space mission to study solar wind

    Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 23 October 2021 Space scientists from the University of Leicester have delivered a key component for a new mission to study the impact of the solar wind on Earth’s magnetic field.

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