Supporting student learning: the limits of genericism
Posted by Steve Rooney in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on December 5, 2017 ‘Learning in higher education involves adapting to new ways of knowing: new ways of understanding, interpreting and organising knowledge.
Learning about learning outcomes: the student perspective – University of Leicester
The Learning Outcomes Project at the University of Leicester. Learning about learning outcomes: the student perspective.
University celebrates inspirational women in Centenary year
Women from the University of Leicester who have been an inspiration to their colleagues have been honoured in a special photographic display.
Explore online resources on Evelyn Waugh. The University of Leicester has collated online collections, archived catalogues and the best Waugh websites around. Discover more about Waugh.
University of Leicester joins launch of AMAST Network to battle AMR in the agrifood system
Leicester scientists partner in new network to identify risks of antimicrobial resistance and barriers to action for farms and livestock producers
Thoresby Colliery and the Art of Minecraft
Posted by James Fitchett in School of Business Blog on April 30, 2014 James Fitchett, Professor of Marketing and Consumer Research at the School, traces the historical evolution of socio-economic illness in a Midlands city UK Coal recently announced the closure of the last...
Previous Co-chairs
Learn about founding members of MedRACE, and MedRACE student co-chairs 2020-2023.
We are pleased to present abstracts for the following posters.
Training links
The East Midlands Oral History Archive have put together a number of links from around the web, which can provide extra training on recording and other aspects of oral history.
The new ‘Content Editor’
Posted by David Hopkins in College of Social Science: Technology Enhanced Learning Blog on February 1, 2013 The upgrade to Blackboard 9.1 (service pack 8) last year brought one update that I think everyone has been waiting for … the new text editor.