Fabio Tufano
The academic profile of Professor Fabio Tufano, Professor in Applied Micreconomics at University of Leicester
Pablo Cortes
The academic profile of Professor Pablo Cortes, Professor of Civil Justice at University of Leicester
Advanced Composite Materials
Module code: EG4115 Polymer composite materials are one of the most exciting classes of modern materials, with large passenger aircraft, wind turbines, spacecraft and prestige automotive products now increasingly using these materials for large parts of their structure.
Signal Processing
Module code: EG4324 Electronic signals are used in all sorts of advanced engineering applications. They are required as the inputs to control systems, in preparing signals for communication and to control power electrical or mechanical components.
Psychological Issues in Language Learning
Module code: EN7316 Language, the mind and learning are inexorably linked and an understanding of students’ mental processes, feelings, emotions, motives, and behaviours can be invaluable for teachers wishing to enhance learning within their foreign language classrooms.
Twenty-First Century Fiction
Module code: EN7252 In this module you'll study a selection of recent works of fiction, with a focus on those that have been nominated for literary prizes.
Twenty-First Century Fiction
Module code: EN7252 In this module you'll study a selection of recent works of fiction, with a focus on those that have been nominated for literary prizes.
Advanced Composite Materials
Module code: EG4115 Polymer composite materials are one of the most exciting classes of modern materials, with large passenger aircraft, wind turbines, spacecraft and prestige automotive products now increasingly using these materials for large parts of their structure.
Signal Processing
Module code: EG4324 Electronic signals are used in all sorts of advanced engineering applications. They are required as the inputs to control systems, in preparing signals for communication and to control power electrical or mechanical components.
Econometrics 3
Module code: EC3062 This module deals with how time series analysis of economic data can be used to make predictions about the economic climate. You will look at non-stationary time-series from an economists view.