An archive listing of 2021 events in the Victorian Studies Centre Spring Seminar series
Future of Work
The future of work is the subject of intense debate. This debate is shaped by multiple, overlapping “megatrends” which are seen as driving the evolution of—or revolutionary ruptures in—the world of work and employment.
Cutting edge Nottingham company welcomes University of Leicester chemistry alumnus to its R&D team
University of Leicester chemistry graduate Kale Cooke has joined a spin-out company tackling global issues associated with climate change with sustainable chemistry
International Human Resource Management
Module code: MN7374 Businesses are becoming increasingly international, but their employees, factories and offices are all based in different countries with their own laws and practices.
International Human Resource Management
Module code: MN7374 Businesses are becoming increasingly international, but their employees, factories and offices are all based in different countries with their own laws and practices.
How MOOCs work
Find out about how MOOCs work, with information on entry requirements, start dates, the application process, commitment, assessment and certification.
Christian De Vito
I am research associate on the Carceral Archipelago project, focusing on convict circulation in the late-colonial and post-colonial Latin America. And I am honorary fellow at the International Institute of Social History (Amsterdam).
Sharp eyes to the skies
Professor Hartmut Boesch gives insight into the importance of improving satellite technology in monitoring greenhouse gases from space, and the effect this will have on our understanding of climate change.
Martin Coffey: Page 5
Postgraduate Career Development Adviser, Doctoral College Team.
Postgraduate Researcher Careers: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester: Page 5
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester