Robert Free
The academic profile of Dr Robert Free, Lecturer in Health Data Science at University of Leicester
Pharmacology and Medicines Prescribing Applied to Nursing Practice
Module code: NU3012 In this module you will critically reflect on the legislative and regulatory frameworks that govern medicinal products in the UK, including national and local policies and guidelines.
Intermediate Modern Physics: Development of Mechanics, Fractals and Chaos
Combine this unit with one other to form the module 'Intermediate Physics Specialisms' This unit will build on your knowledge in speciality physics by examining methods in classical and quantum mechanics, including Lagrangian methods, fractals and chaos,...
Modern Languages and Translation BA
Prepare for a career in translation or interpreting whilst studying French, Italian, or Spanish, in Leicester’s Modern Languages and Translation degree.
Code of practice on managing Higher Education with others
Read the code of practice for managing HE provision with others (PDF, 520kb) Learn more about the approval of collaborative and partnership arrangements Purpose The purpose of this Code is to ensure that the University: Is able to assure the quality of the academic...
Student Profile: Gemma
PhD Topic The Secret Lives of Digital Museum Resources and Collections: Teaching Practice and Interactions with the Smithsonian's Learning Lab Where did you study your undergraduate/masters? I studied Comparative Literature at King’s College London for my BA, did a PGCE...
Academic Skills and Knowledge
Module code: MN7206 Module co-ordinator: Dr Andrea Davies Module Outline This formative assessment module introduces you to the virtual learning environment and shows you how to effectively utilise this during your course.
Science Discovery
Study with us Remember it’s never too late to change career or study at University.
Trident and Triremes: funding for research into nuclear weapons and Ancient Greece
Two University of Leicester academics have received more than three and a half million euros from the European Research Council for major projects investigating the ancient past and the world of the future.
University of Leicester supports World Tuberculosis Day
Scientists from the University of Leicester help promote important public health message about tuberculosis (TB) for World TB Day on Sunday 24 March.