
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • Study abroad guidance

    Details on The University of Leicester's guidance for travelling abroad.

  • Martin Coffey: Page 2

    Postgraduate Career Development Adviser, Doctoral College Team.

  • Postgraduate Researcher Careers: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester: Page 2

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching: Academic and staff blogs from the Uni

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • apatel

    As a Learning Developer for Leicester Learning Institute, I create opportunities for learners to understand and develop the academic literacies, skills and approaches required by their "academic culture" or discipline.

  • Complex modern contracting and the quest for cooperation – managerial and legal perspectives

    Posted by hconnolly in School of Business Blog on March 28, 2018   In the first of a series of blogs Haward Soper discusses his doctoral research on commercial contracting and the nature and importance of cooperation in making contracts work.

  • Expedition 330: Louisville Seamount Trail

    December 2010 – February 2011 In December 2010, an international team of scientists set sail on the scientific drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution for an eight-week IODP expedition to the Louisville Seamount chain.

  • Participoll for live voting and polling in class

    Participoll is a simple multiple-choice voting system which allows students to vote using any smartphone, tablet, or even laptop. It works from within your Powerpoint presentation. You must present using a Windows computer; you cannot present using Participoll using a Mac.

  • Suggested reading for Film Studies students

    While you don't need a background in Film Studies, you might want to familiarise yourself with some texts and films in preparation for your degree. Below is a sample reading and viewing list, which you may encounter in your Film Studies modules at Leicester.

  • Book Group: The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold

    An account of our Book Group discussion of The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, written up by Ian Truslove.

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