Phill Molloy
Should organisations such as CCGs collaborate with medical schools to establish strong paid and unpaid research networks? Posted by Phill Molloy in Medical Leadership in the Foundations on August 28, 2018 My journey to becoming a doctor was what you might call “the scenic...
23rd May 2014 Sol 639
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 23, 2014 This MAHLI image (with a contrast stretch) shows the path ahead towards Murray Buttes and across the dark dunes to Mt. Sharp.
12th May 2013 Sol 272
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 12, 2013 Here is an image of the drillhole, and the tailings around it, taken by the MAHLI microimager on the robotic arm. In the tailings pile and within the hole (it is 1.
Fiendish Friday Quiz #2: Answers
Posted by Barbara Cooke in Waugh and Words on March 25, 2014 So… it’s not Friday. But here are the answers to Thomas Gribble’s second fiendish quiz nonetheless. Let us know how you do, and whether you’d like another this Friday.
Tuesday 25th September Sol 49
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on September 25, 2012 We are now getting a combination of the high resolution MAHLI images, APXS and ChemCam compositional data and the other camera images.
Tuesday 4th September Sol 28
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on September 4, 2012 The High Resolution Stereo Imager Experiment (HiRise) onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MRO has returned new images of the Bradbury landing site and Curiosity itself.
Senate Regulation 5, exceptional variation for students who were due to graduate in 2020
5.1 Variation from this scheme will normally only be permitted where there is a requirement from a professional or statutory legal body, and must be approved by the Education Committee. Any such variations shall be specified in the programme specification.
Senate Regulation 5: Students who commenced their studies before 2018/19 and are due to graduate in 2021 or later
5.1 Variation from this scheme will normally only be permitted where there is a requirement from a professional or statutory legal body, and must be approved by the Education Committee. Any such variations shall be specified in the programme specification.
CassiniHuygens will truly be the benchmark against which all future space missions are compared
After almost twenty years in space, the Cassini spacecraft will tomorrow (15 September) make its final encounter with Saturn, ending humankind’s first detailed exploration of the ringed planet.
The Appeal of Hybrid Working
Homeworking’s contradictory nature means in its pure form it can never be a perfect answer, but this means that hybrid working has the potential to be an alternative imperfectly perfect working arrangement.