Lifelong Learning
Module code: MU7554 This module considers how the museum can offer opportunities for learning across the lifecourse.
Business Ethics in a Global Context
Module code: MN7506 Module co-ordinator: Dr Maria Puig de la Bellacasa Module Outline In an increasingly global environment, issues of ethics are of an increasingly strategic nature for global firms.
Second Language Teaching and Learning
Module code: ED7502 In this module you will study aspects of English Language Teaching (ELT) methodology and theories of language learning.
Reflections on HEA conference: links and resources – University of Leicester.
The 'Learning Outcomes Project' at the University of Leicester. Reflections on HEA conference: links and resources.
Global Affairs: Actors, Communication and Culture
Module code: MS7006 This module will immerse you in the study of Global Affairs, before you gain the ability to judge the role played by the media in these areas.
Global Affairs: Actors, Communication and Culture
Module code: MS7006 This module will immerse you in the study of Global Affairs, before you gain the ability to judge the role played by the media in these areas.
Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching: Academic and staff blogs from the Uni
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Blackboard Teaching and Learning Conference 2015
Posted by Stephen Walker in College of Social Science: Technology Enhanced Learning Blog on April 23, 2015 I recently attended the Blackboard teaching and Learning Conference in Liverpool. This is Blackboard’s main showcase event for Europe.
Independent learning
Independent learning options offered at the ELTU including VSAC
Guides and learning resources
We host the Midlands Regional Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility. This state-of-the-art facility is centred around the very latest 300 kV Titan Krios Cryo-EM.