Obamas nuclear policy wishlist appears neither politically viable nor diplomatically wise
Without broad approval at home or abroad Obama’s nuclear policy wish-list appears neither politically viable nor diplomatically wise in the longer term, according to Dr Andrew Futter and PhD student James Johnson from the Department of Politics and International Relations.
University in new agreement with Japanese University
The University of Leicester has forged a new partnership with the Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT), paving the way for the two institutions to work more closely together.
Expert opinions cover Airbnb and Rio the Turkish coup Jupiters Great Red Spot the refugee crisis and consumer justice
Henrik Melin from the Department of Physics and Astronomy has written a Staff Blog discussing the upper atmosphere of Jupiter.
Expert opinions cover asylum laws Evelyn Waugh EU students digital activism cancer and broadcasting inequality
President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle has written an article for the Leicester Mercury on how membership of the EU is good for universities and society at large.
Applying to Leicester
How to apply to Leicester Law School for Malaysian applicants
Research Project
Module code: MD7437 The Research Project module accounts for two-thirds of the overall credit weighted average of the MSc Medical Research programme. Students are matched with a research project that interests them following confirmation of their place on the course.
Finance, Governance and Enterprise
Examples of our publications 2023 2022 2021 Our working papers Student Research Internships The CFGE offers research opportunities for ULSB students. These research internships are based on voluntary work with individual members of staff.
Research Project
Module code: MD7437 The Research Project module accounts for two-thirds of the overall credit weighted average of the MSc Medical Research programme. Students are matched with a research project that interests them following confirmation of their place on the course.
Expert opinions cover conspiracy theories James Bond Brexit and muscle disease
Professor Martin Parker from the School of Management has written an article for The Conversation discussing private meetings and conspiracy theories.
Materials Innovation Centre (MatIC)
Materials Innovation Centre (MatIC) is a long-term strategic partnership between TWI and the University of Leicester, one of the world’s top universities. MatIC focuses on materials characterization, materials modelling and novel materials development.