Sensory Reading: New Approaches to Teaching and Learning GCSE English Literature
Led by Professor Phil Shaw and Dr Scott Freer in the Department of English, ‘Sensory Reading’ aims to develop outreach opportunities arising from Phil Shaw’s AHRC Leadership Fellow project, Wordsworth 2020.
Here the list of publications of 2019 can be found.
Awards for eye research at Leicester
Award-winning eye research from our University has been recognised at a national event. A University researcher won an award for his work in the world’s first study of its type to assess how infant eye defects can affect future vision.
Acclaimed writers to speak at biggest ever Evelyn Waugh conference
Acclaimed writers Selina Hastings, William Boyd and Paula Byrne are set to speak at a major conference on the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project taking place between 24-26 April.
Space data tracks record-breaking UK heatwave
Earth Observation (EO) experts based at the University of Leicester have laid bare the UK’s record-breaking heatwave with data captured from space.
Defining Moments: Poetry and Presence
Project overview Dr Mary Ann Lund’s project explores the relationship between poetry, place, and spiritual exploration. It focuses on poetry’s attentiveness to the here and now, to moments of ‘thisness’.
The politics of comparison: writing a global history of punishment
Posted by Clare Anderson in Carceral Archipelago on February 5, 2015 The Carceral Archipelago project faces enormous challenges in writing the history of punishment as global history.
Political journalism expert explains miners’ strike significance on BBC show
A 35-year career in political journalism led to a University of Leicester academic being called on to explain the significance of the 1984-5 miners’ strike to BBC radio listeners.
Pterosaurs undergo dental examination to reveal clues about diets and lifestyles
Microscopic analysis of the teeth of pterosaurs has revealed new insights into the diets and behaviours of Earth’s earliest flying reptiles.
Evelyn Waugh and His Circle: Reading and Editing the Complete Works
Posted by Barbara Cooke in Waugh and Words on May 27, 2014 As many of you might know already, in 2015 we are planning a glitzy international Evelyn Waugh conference here in Leicester. Richard III is SO 2013.