
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • Rage and Revolution Revisited as a Major Punk Exhibition Hits Leicester This Summer

    The team behind the successful 2019 Mods: Shaping a Generation exhibition, Soft Touch Arts, Arch Creative and Shaun Knapp, are proud to present Punk: Rage & Revolution. This showcase will begin in Leicester on 27th May ‘23 and run through to 3rd September ‘23.

  • University of Leicester report finds 45% of UK’s east and southeast Asian people experienced hate crime in the last year

    An alarming report co-authored by the University of Leicester has revealed hate crime experienced by east and southeast Asian (ESEA) people in the UK remains chronically underreported.

  • Alec Jeffreys Forensic Genomics Unit

    Find out more about the Alec Jeffreys Genomics Unit at the University of Leicester.

  • University of Leicester establishes new independent investment company

    Midlands Mindforge Limited has been co-founded by University of Leicester and seven other research intensive universities in the Midlands, collectively Midlands Innovation.

  • Management MSc

    Why do humans behave the way they do within organisations? Better still, how do you properly manage this behaviour? You’ll approach questions like these critically and practically, and learn what it takes to become an exceptional manager.

  • Reflections: a panel debate on the challenges and opportunities of lecture capture

    Posted by Rachel Tunstall in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on June 2, 2016 The following questions and answers are taken from a panel debate on the challenges and opportunities of lecture capture, using questions submitted by participants...

  • Is a product really worth what someone will pay for it?

    Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on August 23, 2017 I recently had reason to compare the work of people at opposite ends of the work-related pay scales that our society has developed.

  • University members of Court

    Browse the list of those members of Court representing the University. This includes the Chancellor, the President and Vice-Chancellor, the Provost and more.

  • Leicester graduates compete in Christmas University Challenge

    Every year University Challenge runs a short series over Christmas featuring graduates of selected universities - and this year Leicester has a team.

  • Mike Branney

    The academic profile of Professor Mike Branney, Professor of Volcanology at University of Leicester

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