Introduction to Writing Creatively: Part 1
Module code: EN1025 This year-long, two-part module provides a practical introduction to a variety of creative writing practices.
Introduction to Writing Creatively: Part 2
Module code: EN1035 This year-long, two-part module provides a practical introduction to a variety of creative writing practices.
Managing Translation Project
Module code: TS3005 In this module, seminars and workshops will be conducted to discuss and reflect on the steps of managing a translation project.
International Marketing
Module code: MN7331 How do businesses and organisations market their products, brands and services internationally? In this module, you’ll explore and propose solutions to real-life international marketing problems.
Critical Perspectives on Management
Module code: MN7567 Module Outline Today concerns over the conduct but more importantly the basic methods and goals of business and management have manifested themselves in a widespread and broad-based anti-capitalist movement.
Research Methods and Dissertation
Module code: MN7651 The dissertation will enable you to undertake a sustained investigation in an area of your choice related to human resource management and training.
Place, Branding and Tourism
Module code: MN3144 We've all been guilty of feeling pangs of jealousy when photos of exotic destinations or cool city breaks pop up on our Instagram feed.
Modern Languages Summer School
Module code: ML2007 When you take one of our Modern Languages courses, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in one of our partly-funded two-week summer schools during the summer vacation at the end of your first year, which is an integral part of your degree.
Masters Research Project (Geology)
Module code: GL4101 The Masters Research Project is a major piece of independent research work that you carry out in your 4th year.
Research Project (Palaeobiology)
Module code: GL4103 The Palaeobiology Research Project is a major piece of independent research work that you carry out in your 4th year.