
21013 results for: ‘%s’

  • Forensic Science

    Module code: CH3212 During your time at Leicester, you will have developed knowledge of a strong portfolio of analytical and physical characterisation techniques commonly used in a chemical context. In this module, you will focus this knowledge on forensic applications.

  • Appraising the Evidence in Healthcare Practice

    Module code: NU2016 This module is facilitated through a combination of lectures, seminars and workshops, practice based learning and case studies delivered in small uni-professional groups and in multi-professional groups that involve students from midwifery and nursing.

  • Systems Reliability and Sustainability

    Module code: EG4201 In a world increasingly focused on sustainable development and reliable engineering solutions, mastering the principles of systems reliability and sustainability is crucial.

  • Physics Skills and Professional Development 3

    Module code: PA3000 In this module you will further develop skills that are essential in the study of physics alongside transferrable skills that you will need later on the course which will benefit your future career.

  • Interpreting French

    Module code: FR3202 This module introduces the skills required in bilateral interpreting through practice exercises and scenarios.

  • Norms and Margins in French Cinema

    Module code: FR3140 This module will focus on the representations of a range of norms and margins (social, cultural, gender, sexual, ethnic, generational, physical, etc.) in French cinema and examine them in light of the sociopolitical context of their time.

  • Introduction to French Linguistics

    Module code: FR2032 This module will introduce you to a range of topics related to the broad field of French linguistics.

  • Clinical Skills: Axial Anatomy

    Module code: PH1005 In this module, you will gain an understanding of the anatomy of the axial skeleton - the skull, vertebral column, rib cage, and the sternum and undertake an exploration of gait and posture.

  • Politics and Power in Africa

    Module code: PL2023 Sub-Saharan African politics has seen much turbulence since the decline of colonialism's hold on the continent in the middle of the 20th century. This module will introduce you to the major political issues and controversies faced by sub-Saharan Africa.

  • The International Politics of Protection

    Module code: PL7521 Protection is central to the theory and practice of politics. It relates to social contract theory, the consolidation of the modern state, cosmopolitan theory, human rights and state-building.

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