
21013 results for: ‘%s’

  • Libertine Literature, 1660-1690

    Module code: EN3172 This module examines many of the most important  libertine works written in the years following the restoration of Charles II in 1660.

  • Young Learners and ELT

    Module code: EN7517 This option module looks at the major issues connected with the teaching of young learners and English language teaching.

  • Love and Sex in Old English Literature

    Module code: EN3146 In this module you will explores attitudes to (and representations of) sex and sexuality in the early medieval period through an in-depth study of a diverse range of Old English literary texts and contexts.

  • Furnishing the Country House in 18th Century Britain

    Module code: HA7509 This module introduces the field of furniture history and will equip you with the tools necessary to examine, analyse, and interpret country house furniture and furnishing schemes from the long eighteenth century.

  • Equality and Diversity

    Module code: LM3507 This module seeks to explain inequality in the labour market in terms of competing socio-economic approaches. Despite extensive legislation for equal treatment and non-discrimination, labour markets throughout the world remain strongly segregated.

  • Management and Labour

    Module code: LM1521 Module Outline This module addresses the questions 'how do we know what different occupations are worth?', 'What is meant by the labour market?', 'Why do workers need to be managed?', before tackling them by introducing key...

  • Literatures of Protest: Reading and Political Action

    Module code: AM3021 From the earliest writings about the Americas, to slave narratives, to the form of the open/viral letter on social media, American writing has often taken the form of protest literature that sought to move readers to action in ingenious and sometimes...

  • Employment Law for HR Practitioners

    Module code: MN3162 Employment law regulates the relationship between employers and employees. It governs what employers can expect from employees, what employers can ask employees to do and employees’ rights at work (CIPD 2022).

  • Accountability, Representation and Control

    Module code: MN7262 This module explores the theoretical foundations of accounting and its behavioural consequences.

  • Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations

    Module code: MN3143 Accounting for non-profit organisations comes with its own challenges and issues. This module will introduce you to some of the specific issues behind accounting for organisations such as charities, sporting bodies and social enterprise.

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