
13278 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Talking points a range of topical issues tackled by academics 12 18 November

    Dr Athina Karatzogianni from the Department of Media and Communication has written an article for The Conversation about 'hacktivist' group Anonymous and how it hopes to challenge the Islamic State.

  • People

    Meet the English at Leicester team. Browse our list of academic staff, honorary visiting staff and PhD students. Find information on ways to get in touch and browse our staff and students' research interests.

  • Kaitlynn

    Information and contact details for Professor Kaitlynn Mendes, Professor in Gender, Media and Sociology at the University of Leicester.

  • David Holwell

    The academic profile of Prof David Holwell, Professor of Sustainable Mineral Resources at University of Leicester

  • Information for your country

    We welcome students from around the world. We have specific information for many countries, so you can find out about entry requirements, national student societies and more.

  • People

    Staff Professor Martin Phillips Gentrification, Social class, Migration, Representations of rurality, Rural sustainability, Rural landscape transformation Dr Katy Bennett Coal and steel, heritage, destruction, memory, landscape, regeneration Dr Ben Coles Markets...

  • Middle East

    If you are from the Middle East, use this page to navigate to your country to find out about entry requirements, national student societies and other country-specific information.

  • Students to unveil Silverstone race car design

    Student racing enthusiasts will be unveiling their designs for a racing car which will be competing at Silverstone later this year at an event on 11 February at 6pm prior to the University’s 18th Annual Industry Lecture.

  • Leicester facility to help optimise hybrid structures for automotive sector

    The ASDEC – The Advanced Structural Dynamics Evaluation Centre –  facility has announced that it is part of a successful winning bid for £1.

  • Local meeting of the minds leads to creative triumph

    Following the successful Journeys in Translation event hosted by the University's Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies (LeCTIS) last year, a group of translating students at our University have worked closely with local poet Pam Thompson to provide their...

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