Costs and what's included
Information about fees for our postgraduate accommodation, including details of all-inclusive rent and prepayment.
Members of the Centre have undertaken research on topics as diverse as the nineteenth-century afterlives of Romantic poets, the discourse of the sublime in poetry, art and criticism, and Victorian theatre - to name but a few.
Advanced Statistical Modelling (Part-time)
Module code: MD7468 Generalised linear models This module will start by introducing the theory of generalized linear models (GLMs) in terms of exponential family of distributions and discussing special cases of GLMs, such as normal, Poisson or binomial regression.
Writing for Laughs
Module code: EN3204 This module aims to mix creative writing, criticism and theory in its exploration of modern and contemporary comedy.
Costs and what's included
Information about fees for our undergraduate accommodation, including details of all-inclusive rent and prepayment.
Writing for Laughs
Module code: EN3204 This module aims to mix creative writing, criticism and theory in its exploration of modern and contemporary comedy.
Advanced Statistical Modelling (Part-time)
Module code: MD7468 Generalised linear models This module will start by introducing the theory of generalized linear models (GLMs) in terms of exponential family of distributions and discussing special cases of GLMs, such as normal, Poisson or binomial regression.
Molecular Cell Biology and Genomes
Module code: NT3004 'Molecular Cell Biology’ is centred on the principal techniques used in molecular cell biology and allows you to develop your ability to design experiments to test a hypothesis, based on the use of these techniques.
Crime Prevention
Module code: CR2514 In this module we will address one of the classic debates within both criminology and security management: ‘social’ vs. ‘situational’ approaches to crime prevention.
13th December 2016 Sol 1548
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on December 13, 2016 The Precipice drilling campaign has been curtailed because of a drill fault. The MSL rover engineers have been conducting a series of diagnostic tests to determine the cause and to prevent it happening again.