
21013 results for: ‘%s’

  • New digital tool aims to reduce diagnosis delays in those with chronic breathlessness

    University of Leicester experts are helping to create a quicker pathway to diagnosis (cause) for adults living with chronic breathlessness

  • New drugs to prevent tuberculosis could be developed thanks to this novel cell wall breakthrough

    Hero tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosisis|Research has identified a novel regulatory mechanism, which when deactivated, results in the death of the life-threatening pathogen.

  • Employer toolkit

    Browse our information and resources for support and guidance when recruiting University of Leicester students and graduates.

  • Court

    Court is one of the University's main external 'stakeholder' bodies. It has nearly 100 Full members, drawn primarily from outside the institution, representing a cross section of organisations and individuals.

  • Treating insomnia may reduce mental health problems

    Treating insomnia with online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) could reduce mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and paranoia, according to a large randomised controlled trial published in The Lancet Psychiatry.

  • Manuscript data

    The project will publish an online listing of all known Insular Manuscripts dating before c. 850. Prof Simon Keynes' classified list of Anglo-Saxon charters on single sheets includes 87 charters written in England before AD900.

  • REDD Monitoring Services with Satellite Earth Observation

    Details on the REDD Monitoring Services project lead by The University of Leicester and in collaboration with commercial partners.

  • Midlands4Cities PhD funding opportunity

    Learn more about Midlands4Cities PhD funding for PhD projects within the School of History, Politics and International Relations.

  • The Forms of Modern Poetry

    Module code: EN3071 Module co-ordinator: Nick Everett This module offers an introduction to the principal forms and metres of poetry in English and a survey of some of the diverse uses of form in twentieth-century American, British, and Irish poetry.

  • 20th May 2013 Sol 280

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 20, 2013 Here is a MAHLI image of our second drill hole at Cumberland.  Like the first drill hole it shows the difference between the reddish uppermost surface of Mars and what lies underneath.

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