
15049 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • Recognising our Centenary supporters

    Thank you to all of our generous supporters. Read more about our Centenary Golden Book project.

  • Evidence Based Practice 2

    Module code: PH2004 (double module) During this module, you will continue to develop your knowledge and understanding of evidence-based practice you gained during your first year at Leicester.

  • Stephanie Hubbard

    The academic profile of Dr Stephanie Hubbard, Associate Professor of Medical Statistics at University of Leicester

  • Evidence Based Practice 2

    Module code: PH2004 (double module) During this module, you will continue to develop your knowledge and understanding of evidence-based practice you gained during your first year at Leicester.

  • Evidence Based Practice 2

    Module code: PH2004 (double module) During this module, you will continue to develop your knowledge and understanding of evidence-based practice you gained during your first year at Leicester.

  • Physics students take off

    David Jessop, Jamie Macquillin and Lewis Jackson were selected for the trip alongside 20 other students from across Europe.

  • Households and Domesticity in the Ancient World

    Module code: AR7560 Households and families were at the heart of social organisation in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, and are fundamental building blocks for reconstructing past cultural life.

  • Households and Domesticity in the Ancient World

    Module code: AR7560 Households and families were at the heart of social organisation in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, and are fundamental building blocks for reconstructing past cultural life.

  • Households and Domesticity in the Ancient World

    Module code: AR7560 Households and families were at the heart of social organisation in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, and are fundamental building blocks for reconstructing past cultural life.

  • PPI in research

    PPI in research is explaining in lay terms patient engagement

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