
15049 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • Policing and Human Rights

    Module code: CR3033 The political independence of the police service in Britain has acquired a protected and sacred status, but this independence has to be carefully balanced with the role of the police in maintenance of law and order.

  • Policing and Human Rights

    Module code: CR3033 The political independence of the police service in Britain has acquired a protected and sacred status, but this independence has to be carefully balanced with the role of the police in maintenance of law and order.

  • Policing and Human Rights

    Module code: CR3033 The political independence of the police service in Britain has acquired a protected and sacred status, but this independence has to be carefully balanced with the role of the police in maintenance of law and order.

  • Law lecturer cited in “the most important animal-rights case of the 21st century”

    University of Leicester legal expert, Dr Joe Wills, has been cited in what The Atlantic described as “the most important animal-rights case of the 21st century”.

  • Arbitration in the Americas

    Leicester Law School researchs and discusses reports on arbitration in the Americas, along with the raw data generated during the survey research on which the report is based, edited to protect the confidentiality of respondents.

  • Leicester researchers analyse consequences of China space weapon test

    University of Leicester experts in the military uses of outer space have urged further international dialogue and ‘cool heads’ following flight tests of a new Chinese hypersonic missile system.

  • Aikaterina Tziannou

    The academic profile of Mrs Aikaterina Tziannou, Trial Statistician at University of Leicester

  • Lisong Zhang

    The academic profile of Dr Lisong Zhang, Research Associate of Medical Statistics at University of Leicester

  • David Jones

    The academic profile of Professor David Jones, Emeritus Professor of Medical Statistics at University of Leicester

  • Safoora Gharibzadeh

    The academic profile of Dr Safoora Gharibzadeh, Research Fellow in Medical Statistics at University of Leicester

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