
21353 results for: ‘%s’

  • Bodies 1850-1918

    This interdisciplinary module will introduce you to the ways in which the Victorians and Edwardians thought about the body.

  • Company, Commercial and Financial Law

    Leicester Law School provides aspects of commercial, corporate and financial law accommodating diverse research interests. Take a look at the information we have to offer.

  • Know your audience

    Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on November 9, 2016 So often I see PGRs in consultations who are struggling to make the step from application to interview or the step from interview to job.

  • Breakthrough research breathes hope into a new treatment for asthma

    An international team of scientists, led by the Universities of Leicester and Glasgow, have announced findings that could pave the way to a new treatment for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and reverse the key hallmarks of inflammatory lung disease.

  • Workspaces at the University of Leicester

    Learn more about the various workspaces available at the University of Leicester.

  • Pride

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on July 9, 2018 Pride in London – why it still matters. This week we celebrated Pride in London.

  • Writing the Past

    Module code: AH7703 How did historians in the ancient world make sense of the past? What function did historical writing fulfil in Greece and Rome and how did this change throughout antiquity? How did historians shape their works rhetorically, and make their accounts seem...

  • Writing the Past

    Module code: AH7703 How did historians in the ancient world make sense of the past? What function did historical writing fulfil in Greece and Rome and how did this change throughout antiquity? How did historians shape their works rhetorically, and make their accounts seem...

  • Chile

    We welcome students from Chile. Find out about entry requirements, the Chilean student community and other country-specific information.

  • ETD2014 – Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2014 – University of Leicester

    Posted by in Knowledge to broadcast: research archiving blog on July 28, 2014 I recently helped out running Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2014 at University of Leicester 23rd – 25th July 2014 with colleagues from Academic Liaison in the Library.

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