Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Andrew Dunn: Page 188
Academic Librarian.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Andrew Dunn: Page 183
Academic Librarian.
Lord Willetts former Universities and Science Minister announced as Universitys new Chancellor
The University has announced that former Universities and Science Minister David Willetts, who is an honorary graduate of the University and delivered the inaugural Chancellor’s Distinguished Lecture, is to be installed as the new Chancellor of the University. The Rt Hon.
Research fellows, associates, assistants and technicians
View the research fellows, associates and assistants working in Genetics and Genome Biology at Leicester. Find out how to get in touch with our research staff via email and telephone.
School of Business academic shares his passion for knowledge exchange and thoughts on AI future
A University of Leicester School of Business academic is highlighting the importance of enterprise and knowledge exchange between industry, policymakers and academia.
Deborah Toner: Page 2
I'm a Lecturer in Modern History, with particular interests in the social and cultural history of alcohol in Mexico and the Americas.