Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Andrew Dunn: Page 102
Academic Librarian.
Andrew Dunn: Page 96
Academic Librarian.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Pioneering vascular research receives major boost from the British Heart Foundation
The British Heart Foundation has awarded nearly £900,000 to a University of Leicester professor to continue his pioneering heart valve research.
University welcomes new Black Health Data Scientist interns
The University of Leicester is to welcome two new Black Health Data Scientist interns to BREATHE: Health Data Research Hub for Respiratory Health, who have been recruited as part of a UK-wide initiative run by Health Data Research UK (HDR UK).
Alberto Fernández Carbajal
Alberto is a Leverhulme Fellow at School of English, University of Leicester, where he previously was Teaching Fellow in Postcolonial Literature.
SPELL events this term University of Leicester staff blogs
SPELL tree-planting, short story reading group, postgraduate students English
Phage biology
Phage biology is the study of all aspects of bacteriophages (phages). Martha Clokie and colleagues have specifically worked with bacteriophages that target Clostridium difficile. Bacteriophage are studied with respect to therapy and diagnosis.
People and Places
Archaeology and Ancient History at Leicester's Producing People research theme on the making of bodies and personhood from a range of different perspectives, with key projects including Hellenistic Women and Richard III.