
21349 results for: ‘%s’

  • Professional Skills in Psychology

    Module code: PS7407 On this module you will learn about the applied areas of professional psychology as outlined by the British Psychological Society. You will become aware of what the different areas involve and how to pursue careers within each area.

  • Applied Psychology Dissertation

    Module code: PS3103 (double module) This module provides the opportunity to carry out an empirical research project of your own conception/choosing in applied psychology, under the supervision of a relevant member of academic staff.

  • Practical Research Skills in Psychology

    Module code: PS2103 In this module, you will learn about quantitative and qualitative research design and analysis.

  • Facilities

    The University has a range of facilities accessible to the public, staff and students.

  • Anna scores soughtafter opportunity to work within beating heart of the television industry

    PhD researcher Anna McKay from our School of History, Politics and International Relations will be working within the ‘beating heart’ of the television industry as one of only six emerging academics from across the UK to be selected to take part in the first ‘TV PhD’...

  • Centre to bring pathology testing to breathless patients

    East Midlands researchers are leading the establishment of a new Centre to develop breath analysis tests that could help in the rapid diagnosis and treatment for a range of conditions, including cancers, respiratory infections and diseases such as asthma and chronic...

  • 20th September 2016 Sol 1466

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on September 20, 2016 We have got down a new self portrait of Curiosity from MAHLI.  This shows the Murray Butte number 12 – where we have just been drilling – in the ChemCam mirror.

  • Thursday 23rd August Sol 17

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 23, 2012 The team has taken a break as Governor of California visits JPL to hear about MSL.  We also have the first wide angle images HazCam (Hazard Cameras at the front and back of Curiosity) to look at.

  • Thursday 23rd August Sol 17

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 23, 2012 The team has taken a break as Governor of California visits JPL to hear about MSL.  We also have the first wide angle images HazCam (Hazard Cameras at the front and back of Curiosity) to look at.

  • 11th September 2014 Sol 746

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on September 11, 2014 We have now reached the first foothills in the Mt. Sharp part of the mission.  This area is called the Pahrump Hills.

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