
15056 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • Doctoral loan

    If you’re applying for a research degree (PhD) at Leicester, then you may be eligible to apply for the new Government-funded Doctoral Loan.

  • Talking points a range of topical issues tackled by academics 15 21 October

    Dr Samantha Johnson from the Department of Health Sciences has written an article for Action Medical Research about developing a programme to help children with maths skills that are vital for their future life chances.

  • NERC invests 8m into lowcarbon technology research

    NERC is investing just over £8m in research to ensure we have access to elements needed to develop a variety of low-carbon technologies.

  • Leicester satellite experts to help farmers improve fertiliser applications

    Agronomists and farmers could be set to benefit from a partnership between University researchers and Precise Crop Nutrition Ltd (PCNL).

  • National Student Survey reveals rise for Leicester

    Efforts made by the University of Leicester to enhance the student experience in response to student feedback has led to its overall student satisfaction rising to 88%, the results of the latest National Student Survey reveal today.

  • Are we entering a new age

    Professor Jan Zalasiewicz (pictured) from the Department of Geology has been interviewed by Academic Minute discussing the Anthropocene and whether mankind has entered a new age.

  • Video competition to help Brazil solve resources problems

    Children and young people can play their part in helping to secure future supplies of food, water and energy in Brazil with the launch of an exciting new global video competition.

  • Aircraft keep tabs on the Amazons rising methane levels

    Research led by the National Centre of Earth Observation is going to new heights in the atmosphere to get a better handle on methane emitted from wetlands in the Amazon.

  • Why tens of thousands of people are being forced out of their homes

    A new study into the effects of gentrification is to be investigated by a University of Leicester social scientist.

  • Research finds no association between weekend staffing levels and patient mortality

    New research involving researchers from our University has found no association between weekend senior doctor staffing levels and mortality, questioning whether increasing senior doctor weekend working would impact mortality rates.

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