
13276 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Newborns, migrants and the idea of home explored at University of Leicester lectures

    Doctoral Inaugural Lectures on 3 October discuss length of stay in neonatal care and home-making practices of migrants

  • Mercury-bound spacecraft with Leicester-built instrument set to fly by Earth

    Space scientists at the University of Leicester are preparing to bid a final farewell to the BepiColombo spacecraft on Friday as it passes close to Earth on its way to Mercury, carrying equipment designed and built at the University.

  • Therapeutic antibody discovery could lead to new cancer drug development

    Cancer Research researchers at the University of Leicester have played a major role in developing and validating an innovative approach to the discovery of potent therapeutic antibodies.

  • Leicester scientists discover precious metals in Mordor

    Two geologists from the University of Leicester have found gold, along with copper, tellurium and other metals in a geological locality in Australia, referred to as the Mordor Igneous Complex - named after its uncanny resemblance to the location from the Lord of the Rings...

  • Next phase for Space Park Leicester launched as planning permission is granted

    Leicester City Council has granted planning permission for the second phase development of Space Park Leicester, a landmark initiative to create a world-leading cluster for innovative research, enterprise and education in space and Earth observation, helping the UK capture a...

  • Festive stories from Leicesters past

    Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat, so the popular rhyme goes - although for many it will be a plump turkey sitting upon the table during Christmas lunch.

  • Geology at Leicester news

    Browse news stories published directly by our team in Geology at Leicester.

  • Postgraduate study

    Discover postgraduate Masters LLM courses offered in Leicester Law School. Enhance your legal knowledge with the Law LLM, or specialise in another stream of the law, such as international human rights law or international commercial law.

  • 2021

    Fatouh, M., Markose, S. and Giansante, S. The impact of quantitative easing on UK bank lending: Why banks do not lend to businesses? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 183, 928-953 Fatouh, M., Giansante, S. and Ongena, S. Economic support during the COVID crisis.

  • Colin Stephenson

    I decided on an MBA first as it was the most relevant to my role as an NHS manager.

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