
15056 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • Sunday 23rd September Sol 47

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on September 23, 2012 Mankind versus Machine #2 The robotic arm is over the calibration rock Jake_ Matijevic.

  • Friday 12th October Sol 66

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on October 13, 2012 While we work at Rocknest with scooping, imaging and analyses, we take the chance to look down into Glenelg.

  • 12th June 2013 Sol 302

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on June 12, 2013 We are carefully positioning ourselves for Point Lake.

  • Monday 13th August Sol 7

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 12, 2012 One of the things that Curiosity carries is 1.2 million names from 246 countries together with student essays and letters from  the jpl engineers who constructed Curiosity.

  • Thursday 16th August Sol 11

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 17, 2012 We have now completed 12 sols of work on Mars.  Our work has been split into a combination of instrument checking, starting to look at the new data, particularly the MastCam images, and planning ahead.

  • Thursday 20th December Sol 133

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on December 20, 2012 Curiosity and its team will soon take a break over the Christmas holidays .  However in the meantime we are using the opportunity to examine different parts of Yellowknife and its rocks.

  • 5th August 2013 Sol 355

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 5, 2013 We are just about at the one Earth year anniversary of our landing.  MSL Landing was on the 5th August Pacific time and about 6 am, 6th August British Summertime.

  • 27th October 2014 Sol 791

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on October 27, 2014 You can see from the inset on this map that we have started driving again, south towards the higher ground, though in small distances compared to some of the long ~100 m drives we did earlier in the mission.

  • Modern scientist vs. 1600s scientist: Moon landings

    Modern planetary scientist Dr Suzie Imber critiques John Wilkins's incredible 17th c. book on space travel

  • 14th July 2014 Sol 688

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on July 14, 2014 In addition to driving towards the Murray Buttes gap in the dunes, and our path onto Mt. Sharp, we stop sometimes to do contact science.  The image gives an example of what this entails.

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