
15057 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • International Human Rights Law LLM

    This is for you if... you are interested in exploring how international human rights law addresses the major challenges facing the world today.

  • Developmental genetics for higher education

    If you're studying towards a degree, we've got useful academic content on developmental genetics, supplied by the genetics department at The University of Leicester.

  • Ig Nobel Prize-winning geologist on why rocks speak in tongues

    Professor Jan Zalasiewicz, Emeritus Professor in the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, explains the research that won him an Ig Nobel Prize in 2023.

  • Asthma pill targets airway muscles to decrease attacks

    asthma pills asthmatic person holding an inhaler|Results from a phase II clinical trial, experimental work on cells and computational modelling have together shown why the first pill for asthma in 20 years can help reduce asthma attacks.

  • NASA Mars Rover set for touchdown on Red Planet

    Space scientists around the world will hold their breath on Thursday as NASA’s latest mission to Mars attempts a daring landing on the Red Planet.

  • Students from Leicesters universities gain military skills

    Students from Leicester’s two universities have been put through their paces – quite literally.

  • First glimpse of Mercury for BepiColombo

    The mission comprises two science orbiters which will be delivered into complementary orbits around the planet by the Mercury Transfer Module in 2025.

  • All rise! Height-adjustable desks can reduce workplace sitting by over an hour a day

    Researchers have developed a programme that, when paired with a height-adjustable desk, can reduce the time people spend sitting by over an hour.

  • French for Business (Level B1)

    Study French courses for all levels at The University of Leicester.

  • Attenborough Arts contributes to Leicester Art Week

    Attenborough Arts, the University's arts centre, is hosting a selection of free public events marking Leicester Art Week.

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