Advice on guardians for International/EU applicants
If you are due to start a course, are under the age of 18 and your parents live abroad, learn more about the consent needed in order to apply to Leicester.
Work of prominent human rights defender to be explored
A documentary about the work of the inspirational Dr Denis Mukwege, who provided medical care to tens of thousands of women raped during the 20 years of conflict in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo will be shown at our University Wednesday 4 May.
Industry Project
Module code: PA3241 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance the career options available to you.
When does colder mean hotter
Professor Nikolai Brilliantov from our Department of Mathematics has developed a theory to explain ‘heating by cooling’, where the temperature of a granular gas increases while the total energy drops down - a peculiar phenomenon which can be observed both on Earth...
Statistical Computing and Inference
Module code: MD7453 This module provides an overview of approaches to statistical inference, both likelihood and Bayesian, applied to medical/health data and the use of statistical software packages.
MSc Research Project
Module code: CH7061/CH7062/CH7063 You're undertaking an MSc, and the Research Project will test your mastery of chemical science like no other. In groups, you'll be undertaking a full-scale project as part of our Department's active research group.
Advanced Electronically Controlled Drives
Module code: EG7035 This module will provide a theoretical and practical treatment of the complete electronic drive system; (including conventional dc drives as well as modern ac drives) including the mechanical part, the electrical machine, the power converter and the control.
Electronically Controlled Drives
Module code: EG4221 This module will provide a theoretical and practical treatment of the complete electronic drive system; (including conventional dc drives as well as modern ac drives) including the mechanical part, the electrical machine, the power converter and the control.
Industry Project
Module code: PA3241 The Physics Skills Electives are designed to help you improve your skills and enhance the career options available to you.
Revealing the hidden layers of the universe
An upcoming lecture seeks to reveal the hidden layers of the universe and explore what lies beyond the lens of the telescope on Thursday 23 April at 18.30 in Lecture Theatre 2 in the Bennett Building.