Careers in Education and Training
Get Into Teaching UCAS: Routes into Teacher Prospects: How to Become a Teacher UCAS Teaching Training The Complete University Guide: Undergraduate routes to becoming a teacher Target Jobs: What should I study at University if I...
Team of University of Leicester researchers win prestigious national award
Researchers from the University of Leicester has won the UK final of Biotechnology YES (Young Entrepreneurs Scheme)
Cancer Research UK open access policy
Cancer Research UK open access policy
University of Leicester student engineer ‘excels’ to score top awards
Third-year University of Leicester student Samiksha Raviraja wins ‘Engineering Student of the Year’ – and is recognised for ‘Overall Excellence in Engineering’
Genes for learning and memory are 650 million years old, study shows
A team of scientists led by researchers from the University of Leicester have discovered that the genes required for learning, memory, aggression and other complex behaviours originated around 650 million years ago.
Goal 1: No Poverty
The first Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Continuing professional development modules and short courses
We support continuing professional development (CPD) by providing high quality training and transferable skills for healthcare and non-healthcare professionals interested in diabetes, quality and safety in Healthcare and SCAN.
Leicester researcher wins DHSC funding
The ground-breaking efforts of a researcher from the University of Leicester in the field of testing non-adherence to antihypertensive medication have played a pivotal role in securing substantial funding support.
Leicester Cathedral named one of the top five most haunted places in the Midlands
In time for Halloween, ITV has compiled a list of the top five most haunted places in the Midlands - and Leicester Cathedral is ranked among them, said to be home of the ghost of Richard III. A psychic has apparently experienced a very real close encounter of the...
Evolutionary Genetics and Neurobiology
Module code: NT4005 ‘Evolutionary Genetics’ gives you an introductory overview of the genetic basis for the evolution of genes, genomes, and phenotypes from both theoretical and experimental perspectives.